Create sensitivity label for SPO
This will be configured in Microsoft purview center Home – Microsoft Purview and this for the admins. Under information protection, you will see labels and policies for labels. Overview part will show reports about the label usage through the tenant.
Click on Labels from left navigation then click on create label as in image 12
Start adding the required information like name, display name, description for users and admins and you may select a color as in image 13
The most important step is defining the label scope. In this step, you are separate the labels for SPO sites, emails or files. I’ll create 2 labels with different scopes one of them is sites and the other is sites & files as in images 14 & 15
Then, on the Define protection settings for groups and sites page, select one or both available options as in image 16:
- Privacy and external user access settings to configure the Privacy and External users access settings.
- External sharing and Conditional Access settings to configure the Control external sharing from labeled SharePoint sites and Use Azure AD Conditional Access to protect labeled SharePoint sites setting.
But if you selected Privacy and external user access, you will need to identify the privacy level . The levels can be summarized as in the following list:
- Privacy: Keep the default of Public if you want anyone in your organization to access the team site or group where this label is applied.
- Select Private if you want access to be restricted to only approved members in your organization.
- Select None when you want to protect content in the container by using the sensitivity label, but still let users configure the privacy setting themselves.
For more details you can check the following article which explains all the details Use sensitivity labels with Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 Groups, and SharePoint sites – Microsoft Purview (compliance) | Microsoft Learn
For this scenario, I am choosing public
Now, you have created the labels and the next step is to publish the label and make it available for SPO sites and document libraries.