Design SharePoint Topology – Part2

Basic Knowledge

SharePoint provides search administration which enables the admins from administrating the search components.

Search components:

There are 6 components for the search:

  1. Content processing
  2. Analytics processing
  3. Index
  4. Query processing
  5. Crawling
  6. Search administration
Search components

The crawl component of the content available in the content source.

1) Content processing components:

The content available in the content source will be passed to the processing components. Many steps take place in this stage:

  • Mapping of crawled properties to managed properties
  • Crawled items are turned into artifacts to be included in the index
  • link and URL information is sorted in the link database

2) Analytics Processing Components:

Search analytics focuses

Analysis of crawled indexed date to improve search relevance and recall

Usage analytics focuses

statistics analysis of usage counts


  • After analytics processing is complete search relevance for items such as links & URLs are returned ack back to content processing

3) Index

After content is received from content processing, the index component writes this content to the index

4) Query Processing

Receives and analyzes incoming search requests for info stored in the index